Disclaimer – This article is a general how to use our products and is not intended to be a final installation guideline.
Using fiberglass tree stakes for proper tree growth.
Tree stakes are a perfect solution for straightening trees. They are low cost and help produce a beautiful tree. Fiberglass tree stakes have many benefits over traditional tree stakes:
- Maintenance free
- Strong and durable
- Polyester veil prevents fiberglass splinters
- Will not crack, chip or flake
Installing tree stakes
Let us show you how easy the installation is and provide a few useful tips along the way.
Step 1 – Create a stake hole in ground
Use a stake plunger to penetrate the soil to a depth of 18″.
Step 2 – Insert the tree stake
Push the stake firmly into the hole you have just created and check for stability.
Step 3 – Attach the tree to the stake
Tape the tree to the stake by starting at the bottom of the tree, where there is the greatest pressure. Pull the tree towards the stake, and use tape with the sticky side out to wrap the tree several times. This way the bark doesn’t get torn off by the tape as it grows. Then flip the tape over and wrap the tape a few more times. Do this several times up the length of the tree to straighten the trunk.
Step 4 – Finish with Tapener
Finish the newest growth at the top of the tree with a tapener, so that the sticky tape doesn’t pull any bark off of the new growth.
The objective of staking the tree is get the tree perpendicular to the ground and to keep it upright. This allows the tree to harden off as perfectly vertical as possible and will continue to train the leader to grow straight up.
See the installation in action
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