Disclaimer – This article is a general how to use our products and is not intended to be a final installation guideline. You must always consult an engineer for site-specific installation guidelines and state-specific requirements.
How to install high-strength reinforcement geotextile fabric
Let us show you how easy the installation is and provide a few useful tips along the way. In our example, we will be using a Mirafi – HP570 fabric.
Step 1 – Prep the road surface
First, you will need to excavate the roadway to the desired elevation. Then fully compact your subgrade, making sure you have removed all air and tightened the soil completely.
Step 2 – Unroll the reinforcement geotextile fabric
Roll the geotextile fabric on the compacted subgrade, making sure it’s free of wrinkles and folds. Overlap your fabric as directed by the engineer. Cherokee can pre-sew the fabric for you if a stitch seam is required. Contact your Cherokee representative to get pricing on factory seamed rolls in a wider widths.
Step 3 – Sew the geotextile fabric
This job required the fabric to be stitched on the job site. The fabric needs to be seamed with a dual thread lock stitch to prevent it from unthreading. We have equipment available for purchase or rental to do the stitching on the job. At the engineers discretion you can choose a prayer seam, j-seam, or butterfly seam. In this example we will be using a j-seam. We recommend doing two stitches on each seam to prevent any failure during installation.
Step 4 – Apply Aggregate
Place your aggregate to the specified thickness, ensuring that no equipment drives directly on the engineered fill. Make sure the fill has reached full compaction before the final step.
Step 5 – Lay Asphalt
Now that you have placed your subbase you are ready for your pavement layer (or layers depending on the project type).
You’re Done!
That’s all there is to it, but make sure you put the proper amount of time into prepping the subgrade surface. The preparation will make all the difference in the final results.
See the installation in action
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